Year 5 Swimming PE Sessions – 7 February 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

There are 3 swimming PE sessions remaining for Year 5; 22nd Feb, 29th Feb’ and 7th March.

The session straight after half-term on Thursday 22nd February will be a Water Safety lesson. For part of this session, children will be invited to go into the water wearing clothes on top of their swim wear. They will then learn how to move to the side safely and how to help others to safety.

For the Water Safety session on 22nd children will need to therefore bring some LIGHT clothes such as long-sleeved pyjamas and cotton trousers IN ADDITION to their usual swim wear to put on over the top of their swim wear once they are at the pool. They will also need a bag to put the wet clothes in afterwards.

Kind regards,

Claire Threlfall

PE Subject Lead

Important message

School Information

(Updated 19 July 2024)

For everyone at Emmbrook Junior School, have a wonderful summer holiday. Good luck with you new adventures if you’re moving on otherwise see you in September.


School Term Dates 2024/2025

Autumn Term

3rd Sept – Inset Day

4th Sept – Inset Day

5th Sept – First Day of Term

28th Oct – 1st Nov (Half Term Break)

20th Dec – Last Day of Term


Spring Term

6th Jan – First Day of Term

17th Feb – 21st Feb (Half Term Break)

24th Feb – INSET Day

4th Apr – Last Day of Term


Summer Term

22nd April – First Day of Term

5th May – Bank Holiday

26th May – Bank Holiday

26th May – 30th May (Half Term Break)

2nd Jun – INSET Day

22nd July – Last day of Term