WBC Adult Education courses this October/November

The Adult Education team have several courses coming up this October and November, which may be of interest to our parents and carers..

You can enrol on the courses by clicking on the links for each course or they can contact the Adult Education team by emailing [email protected] or by phoning 01189 743797.

Fun with Time

To enrol: Multiply – Fun with Time (webenrol.com)

Gain confidence in how to support your children with telling the time and the fun ways you can support their learning at home. Discover the different methods used to teach time in school and the expectations of each year group.

Introduction to managing your child’s anxiety

To enrol: https://www.webenrol.com/wokingham/?page=detail&courseCode=FL2307&catID=11&locationID=&

The Introduction to Managing your Child’s Anxiety course is an interactive, tutor led course, run over two sessions on Zoom. It is aimed at parents of primary school aged children. The course is run with a small group of learners so there is time for everyone to talk and ask questions as you gain more understanding around the causes and effects of anxiety, signs of anxiety in children and simple tips for families to use to manage everyday worries.

Building your child’s resilience

To enrol: https://www.webenrol.com/wokingham/?page=detail&courseCode=FL2308&catID=11&locationID=&

Coping with emotions is important for happiness and wellbeing. Help your child recognise, understand and accept feelings and to express them in appropriate ways. Learn to help your primary school aged child to deal with negative feelings and cope with stressful life events over a two-session course.

Terrific Timestables

To enrol for 19 October course: Multiply – Terrific Timestables (webenrol.com)

To enrol for 2 November course: Multiply – Terrific Timestables (webenrol.com)

Gain confidence in how to support your children with learning their timestables and the fun ways you can support them at home. Discover the different methods taught in school and expectations for each year group including the year 4 national timestables test.

Business Maths essentials

To enrol: Multiply – Business Maths Essentials (webenrol.com)

This course will support learners to understand the financial terms used in businesses e.g., profit, costs, turnover and revenue. You will explore the different Maths calculations used to determine financial information and look at key topics such as applying a discount or mark up on goods, different types of interest, fixed and variable costs and how this is captured in a business plan, as well as stock management within a business setting. This is suitable for anyone who may be starting up a new business, wishes to feel more confident with numbers used within business or those wishing to practice these skills for their day-to-day job, or to upskill to apply for a new job or voluntary role.

Understanding your pay slip

To enrol: Multiply – Understanding your Payslip (webenrol.com)

Do you understand everything that is on your payslip and what it all means? This course is designed to support learners with understanding the information provided on a pay slip including pay periods, National Insurance, and tax. It is a practical course which will look at the types of calculations used to help explain the deductions from the money that you earned.

Excel at Budgeting

To enrol: Multiply – Excel at Budgeting (webenrol.com)

Have you thought about using Excel for your own personal budgeting purposes? Learn how to manage what you spend against your income or budget using basic formatting and maths functions in Excel. This is aimed at people with a basic knowledge of using Excel and is part of the Multiply initiative.

Fun with Time

To enrol: Multiply – Fun with Time (webenrol.com)

Gain confidence in how to support your children with telling the time and the fun ways you can support their learning at home. Discover the different methods used to teach time in school and the expectations of each year group.

Learn with Lego

To enrol: Multiply – Learn with Lego (webenrol.com)

Learn how to use Lego with your children for more than building! Explore basic maths and gain confidence in using the Lego to help you child count and measure and explore mathematical problems of symmetry and patterns. This course is aimed at parents / carers of pre-schoolers and infants.

Wokingham Adult Education also run courses in English, IT skills and courses to help with employability skills – find out more at https://www.webenrol.com/wokingham/?page=courses

With kind regards,

Hannah Lee

Multiply Project Coordinator

Wokingham Borough Council

Email: [email protected] Tel: 07787892659

Wokingham Borough – a great place to live, learn, work & grow and a great place to do business

Website: www.wokingham.gov.uk

Important message

School Information

(Updated 19 July 2024)

For everyone at Emmbrook Junior School, have a wonderful summer holiday. Good luck with you new adventures if you’re moving on otherwise see you in September.


School Term Dates 2024/2025

Autumn Term

3rd Sept – Inset Day

4th Sept – Inset Day

5th Sept – First Day of Term

28th Oct – 1st Nov (Half Term Break)

20th Dec – Last Day of Term


Spring Term

6th Jan – First Day of Term

17th Feb – 21st Feb (Half Term Break)

24th Feb – INSET Day

4th Apr – Last Day of Term


Summer Term

22nd April – First Day of Term

5th May – Bank Holiday

26th May – Bank Holiday

26th May – 30th May (Half Term Break)

2nd Jun – INSET Day

22nd July – Last day of Term