PTA Annual General Meeting

Dear Parents & Carers,

We’d like to start by thanking those of you that joined us for the PTA annual general meeting yesterday evening. As you are aware, we have been sharing recruitment information for the PTA committee for some time due to the fact that the current committee intend to stand down from their positions after 3 or more years of dedicated service. Last night was the opportunity for the torch to be passed on. Sadly, no one stepped forward to take up these important positions. This left the committee in a predicament. With no committee, the PTA would have to close. Having given up so much time to the PTA the current committee have agreed to stay on in name only. This means they will not be leading or organising any events but the that the PTA can continue to exist as a charity for the time being.

During the meeting we reflected on why parents & carers may be reluctant to step forward and we are aware that time is precious and not everyone can give the time the present committee has. However, a new committee can work in any way it sees fit. There is no requirement for any committee member to lead any specific event and certainly not attend all of them. There is a large group of PTA friends who support and often take the lead at events. The current committee has also carefully documented all the of the events they have run over the past three years, meaning that anyone who takes over is not starting from scratch but with the bulk of the admin and paper work ready to update. We would therefore urge you to consider stepping up to the PTA committee and working with the incumbent members even as co-post holders initially in order that the important work can continue.

Over the past 3 years the PTA has raised almost £50, 000 for the schools. This has supported not only the provision of trim trails and climbing frames but meant that trips and events can be held without the full cost having to be passed onto parents & carers. Without the fundraising driven by the PTA much of these wonderful extras simply won’t happen in future.

However, this is not just about the money but about the experiences and events that the children and community enjoy. It is not possible to put a value on school discos, the summer fair, the jingle bell jog, movie nights and the various grown up events that the PTA organises as a means of bringing the community together. However, again we should point out that a new committee would not need to run all these events themselves, in fact they do not need to run any events themselves but instead organise a team of volunteers to run the event. A new committee could choose to run the PTA in a new way. There are many volunteers in the friends group willing to run single events and the recent summer fair and circus had over 60 people volunteer to help but with no named post holders for the committee the PTA would be forced to close.

As we both move onto to pastures new it would be wonderful to know that one of the biggest strengths of the Emmbrook family will be able to continue.

Many thanks & warm regards,

Mrs Gillard & Mr Usher

Important message

School Information

(Updated 1 October 2024)

School Term Dates 2024/2025

Autumn Term

28th Oct – 1st Nov (Half Term Break)

5th November – Open Evening 5pm – 6pm

12th November – Open Morning 9am – 10am

20th Dec – Last Day of Term

Spring Term

6th Jan – First Day of Term

17th Feb – 21st Feb (Half Term Break)

24th Feb – INSET Day

4th Apr – Last Day of Term

Summer Term

22nd April – First Day of Term

5th May – Bank Holiday

26th May – Bank Holiday

26th May – 30th May (Half Term Break)

2nd Jun – INSET Day

22nd July – Last day of Ter