Parents’ Forum

Parents' Forum

The EJS Parents’ Forum has an independent role separate to the Governing Body and the PTA. The Forum is made up of at least one parent representative per year group, ideally one per class, and a member from the school Senior Leadership Team.

The Forum meets with Mr Usher for an hour once every term to share the views, issues and compliments raised by parents. The meetings are also an opportunity for the school to gauge the opinion of parents.

Functions of the Parent Forum:

  • To ensure effective communication between home and school;
  • To discuss and feed back parental opinions on school issues;
  • To seek clarification on school day procedures;
  • To raise issues of concern that affect the whole school or a whole school year;
  • To gain feedback from parents on topics of particular interest to the school (focus topic).
  • If you have any feedback or if you are interested in becoming involved in the Forum, please send an email to [email protected].

Current representatives:

Year 3 – Mell Morris & Emma Mitchell

Year 4 – Christine Leddy & Celine Gilart

Year 5 – Sara Bradley (Chair) & Helen Venfield

Year 6 – Christine Leddy, Vicky Gonçalves & Martina Smith

EJS – Jim Usher

Parent Forum Meetings – Minutes

Terms of Reference