Unauthorised Absence

Please be advised the Department of Education has advised schools to only authorise leave of absence/holidays in exceptional circumstances hence Emmbrook Junior School will not approve any absence in term time, except in such circumstances. Please complete the form below and return to school at least one month before the requested absence.

We will endeavour to respond to your request within 5 working days. If approved, your child will be expected to collect and complete all missed work. Please note that taking your child away during the school term is detrimental to educational progress.

Please be aware that if holidays are taken without approval, this information will be passed to our Education Welfare Officer.  Taking an unauthorised holiday is a Criminal Offence and may result, depending on the circumstances of each case, in either a Penalty Notice being issued or Prosecution in the Magistrates Court. Penalty notices are issued to each parent, per child and may be issued without further warning.

The first penalty notice issued to a parent will be charged at £80 if paid within 21 days. This will be increased to £160 if paid within 28 days.  A second penalty notice issued to the same parent in respect of the same pupil is charged at a flat rate of £160 if paid within 28 days. A third penalty notice cannot be issued to the same parent in respect of the same child within 3 years of the date of issue of the first. In a case where the national threshold is met for a third time (or subsequent times) within those 3 years, alternative action will be taken instead.

If a penalty notice is not paid then the Parents may be prosecuted in the Magistrates Court. In some cases, a Penalty notice will not be offered at all and the matter referred immediately for Prosecution.

In the Court the penalty is a fine of up to £2500 and a Criminal Record. More information can be found on the Wokingham Borough Council website.

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