We have carefully curated a selection of useful information on what is available in the local community to help support our parents.


Parenting Special Children 

offer a range of parent workshops, a sleep service as well as a one to one support and information to families who are waiting for an assessment. Families can refer themselves for this support by completing an online form on the website http://www.parentingspecialchildren.co.uk or by calling 0118 9863532.

Parenting Special Children inc ADED ASD Trauma & Sleep – advice, help & courses for parents/carers & professionals


Wokingham Borough Council Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) programme

What is the Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) programme?

If your child is in receipt of benefit related free school meals (FSM) then you can register your interest in the Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) programme, please see the link here for more details and how to register https://www.wokingham.gov.uk/children-and-families/find-services-for-children-and-families/holiday-activities-and-food-programme/


CAMHS SHaRON Jupiter (Support Hope and Resources on Line):

This online service offers support, information and advice. SHaRON is a support network for parents and carers of young people with autism or parents and carers who have children waiting for an autism assessment. It is moderated by CAMHS clinicians, other autism professionals and staff from voluntary agencies across Berkshire – and also offers the opportunity for families to receive parent to parent support. . If you would like to join please email [email protected] stating your name, the name of your child and your child’s date of birth. SHaRON is available to you pre and post assessment.


Autism Berkshire

Offer pre-assessment support, information and advice to parents while they are waiting for their child to receive an assessment. This includes targeted pre-assessment workshops run by Autism Berkshire.   If parents would like to book a place on the Autism Berkshire workshops they can do so online by going to  http://www.autismberkshire.org.uk/preassessment-autism-workshops-reading or by telephoning Autism Berkshire on  01189 594594.  Autism Berkshire also offer other activities such as Mindfulness Groups for young people, and again these are available for young people who are waiting for an assessment.

The Autism Group

Offers free Parent Support and Social groups, parent training sessions and a home visit service for residents in the Boroughs of Windsor and Maidenhead, Slough and Bracknell.  These services are offered to parents of children and young people of any age who either have a diagnosis of an autism spectrum condition or are awaiting assessment.

https://www.theautismgroup.org.uk/ or call 07423 636339


The CYPF online resource

A large number of leaflets to advise parents on a range of concerns.





If your child is having mild or moderate difficulties (such as mild anxiety or depression, moderate behavioural difficulties, school refusal, family relationship difficulties) there are a number of services across Berkshire that can provide support. Select your locality to find out what alternative services are available in your area:



Additional online resources

The following may be also be helpful.

Young Minds has a lot of useful information about children and young people’s mental health conditions and also the types of support available for parents or carers. They also provide a free, confidential online and telephone support service ‘Parents Helpline’

MindED for Families provides online advice and information to help parents and carers understand and identify early issues to best support their child or young person. This also includes a parent helpline and advice on managing a crisis .

Useful contacts


The Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service – SEND IASS – is a statutory service which is run at ‘arm’s length’ from the Special Educational Needs decision makers and aims to provide free, confidential, impartial advice, guidance and support to

  • Parents of children and young people up to the age of 25 with special educational needs and disabilities.
  • Young people up to the age of 25 with special educational needs and disabilities
  • Parents with initial concerns about their child through to those with an Education, Health and Care Plan.

Contact: Julia Monahan (SENDIASS Manager)
Tel: 0118 908 8233
Email: [email protected]
Website: Click Here



The ASSIST team (Autism Spectrum Service for Information, Support & Training) is part of the Children with Disabilities Interventions Service at Wokingham Borough Council Children’s Directorate based at The Woodley Airfield Centre.

The team work in a proactive, supportive and preventative way with families and providers so that children and young people living in the Wokingham Borough who are on the autism spectrum can be the best they can be.

The approach to intervention is holistic, creative and directed by the needs of the individual and those around him or her. The service provides information, support and training, especially supporting families pre and post diagnosis.

Contact: Pam Breslin, Manager of ASSIST
Tel: 0118 908 8053
Email: [email protected]
Website: click here


ME2 Club

Me2 Club enables children and young people with additional needs and disabilities, aged 5-19, in the Wokingham Borough, to attend mainstream activity clubs. We do this by recruiting, training and developing volunteers to provide 1:1 (2:1 when required) support to the young people at an activity of their choice, from uniformed groups such as Cubs and Brownies, to Taekwondo, youth groups or swimming. Me2 Club trained volunteers support young people by encouraging them to be independent, participating in the activities alongside them and adapting activities to ensure they can take part. No formal diagnosis is necessary our only requirement is that you are a Wokingham Borough Council resident.

Contact: Vicky Fisher, Manager
Tel: 0118 969 6369
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://me2club.org.uk/about-us/

Children and Young People Low Mood Resources here.

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