Important Notice: Pedestrian gate timings

Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to remind you that the pedestrian gate into school does not open until 08:35 each morning, which is also when the vehicle gate is locked. This timing is important to ensure that we do not have pedestrians moving around on site whilst there is still vehicle movement.

It has come to our attention that some parents are following members of staff through the gate before 08:35. Please may we ask that this does not happen as it presents a huge risk to the pedestrians but also makes it very difficult for anyone who has just entered the site and is driving to the car parks. Additionally, it makes for a very uncomfortable conversation for our staff, if they need to ask parents to wait until 08.35, which is unnecessary. If you have a requirement to enter site before 08:35, please use the buzzer so that staff are aware of any pedestrian visitors to site prior to this time.

The gate opening time of 08:35 still provides plenty of time for children to be taken to their classes prior to the doors being opened. Please do ensure your children walk up the path with you. If you have children who come to school on their own, please do remind them to use the path, and not the drive, and to be aware of any possible moving cars.

If you have any questions or queries, please do feel free to contact the school office.

Thank you for your support in this matter.

The EJS & EIS Team

Important message

School Information

(Updated 1 October 2024)

School Term Dates 2024/2025

Autumn Term

28th Oct – 1st Nov (Half Term Break)

5th November – Open Evening 5pm – 6pm

12th November – Open Morning 9am – 10am

20th Dec – Last Day of Term

Spring Term

6th Jan – First Day of Term

17th Feb – 21st Feb (Half Term Break)

24th Feb – INSET Day

4th Apr – Last Day of Term

Summer Term

22nd April – First Day of Term

5th May – Bank Holiday

26th May – Bank Holiday

26th May – 30th May (Half Term Break)

2nd Jun – INSET Day

22nd July – Last day of Ter