Credit cards, loans or going into debt for essentials? Get help during summer holidays
The rising cost of living continues to impact people across the area, even in the summer months.
Especially with the summer holidays almost here. To get by many are:
- Getting into credit card debt
- Using overdrafts
- Relying on friends and family
- Stopping eating or making other sacrifices
If you’re doing this, you could access support. Apply for the Household Support Fund.
It can be used to pay for food, bills, energy and other essentials.
Our partners can provide £100 per household with a food, fuel or cash voucher through the Household Support Fund.
It’s open to anyone to apply. You don’t need to receive benefits to be able to apply.
There’s also specific support for families where children receive means-tested free school meals.
This is £15 per child, per week. So you could get £90 to help this summer, as well as help at Christmas, next Easter holidays and the half-terms between.
Other support options
- Our cost of living help hub for Council Tax discounts and exemptions,
- Check our food map for help with where you can get low cost or free food
- Use the Citizens Advice calculatorto see how to maximise your income
- Use the Entitled To budget toolto plan your spending
- Contact Citizens Advice Wokingham for advice and support on what you’re facing
- Government’s Help for Households website